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Coming up with research essay questions, need help!

Hey guys, I have a research essay due soon, and I'm having trouble coming up with a solid question. Can anyone share some tips on how to choose a good research question that is interesting and can be substantiated? Thanks!

9 months ago

Hello! Coming up with a strong research question is an important part of the essay-writing process. Here are some tips you can use to help create a thought-provoking and substantial research question:

1. Choose a topic that genuinely interests you: Your enthusiasm for the subject matter will often inspire better research and a more engaging essay. Consider topics that align with your passions or areas of expertise.

2. Narrow down your focus: Start with a broad topic and narrow it down to a more specific issue or question. This will allow you to delve deeper into the subject matter and create a more meaningful analysis.

3. Determine the scope of your research: Consider the available resources, time constraints, and word count requirement for your paper. Ensure your research question is manageable given these factors.

4. Make it debatable: A strong research question will typically present a debatable issue or claim. This means there should be multiple perspectives or viewpoints on the topic, which will allow you to explore multiple sides of the argument and develop a well-rounded analysis.

5. Test your question: Run your research question by your peers or instructor for feedback. This can help identify potential problems, such as a question that's too broad or too obscure.

For example, if you're interested in environmental conservation, you might start with a broad topic like "climate change." From there, you can narrow the focus to a specific issue, like "the impact of deforestation on global carbon emissions." Your research question could then be "What role does deforestation play in exacerbating global climate change, and what policy measures can effectively address this issue?"

By following these guidelines, you should be able to craft a compelling research question that will set the stage for a successful and engaging essay. Good luck!

9 months ago

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