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Choosing the right bachelor's degree for game design

Hey everyone, I'm super interested in pursuing a career in game design and want to choose the right college for it. What are some schools that offer the best bachelor's degree programs for game design? Are there any specific courses or programs I should look for while researching colleges?

a year ago

Hello! It's fantastic that you're passionate about pursuing a career in game design! When considering colleges, keep in mind that different schools offer various programs and majors that can lead to a career in game design. Here's a list of some schools known for their game design programs:

1. University of Southern California (USC)

2. Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)

3. New York University (NYU)

4. DigiPen Institute of Technology

5. Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT)

6. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

7. Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD)

8. University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC)

It's essential to research each school's specific programs, as they may differ in focus and curriculum. Some potential degrees you may want to consider include:

- Bachelor of Science in Game Design & Development

- Bachelor of Arts in Interactive Entertainment

- Bachelor of Fine Arts in Game Design

Make sure to check the curriculum for each program at the colleges of your interest. Look for courses covering topics like game design principles, programming, art and animation, storytelling, level design, and game production management. Additionally, examine the resources available to students, such as computer labs, game development software, and extracurricular clubs and events related to game design.

Remember that internships and networking opportunities can be just as crucial as coursework in this industry. Seek colleges that have connections with game studios and can provide you with hands-on experience in the field. Lastly, visit each college's website and look for examples of student work, faculty qualifications, and alumni success stories. This will give you an idea of the quality of education you'll receive and the types of projects you'll be working on.

Good luck in your search!

a year ago

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