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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What are some student leadership examples?

I'm a bit stressed about extracurriculars and want to get more involved in leadership positions. Can you guys give me examples of student leadership roles that I can try out for? Thanks for the help!

a year ago

Absolutely, leadership is a quality that colleges value a lot in applicants, not to mention a great personal quality to have in life. Here are some examples of student leadership roles across various areas:

1. Student Government: Positions like Student Body President, Vice President, and Class Officer allow you to represent and advocate for your peers while organizing events and activities.

2. Club Leadership: Most school clubs have leadership positions such as President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Find clubs that align with your interests and aim for a leadership role.

3. Team Captain: If you're involved in sports, being a team captain displays your teamwork, communication skills, and dedication to your sport.

4. Community Service: Leadership roles within community service organizations may include organizing events, coordinating volunteers, and managing projects. You could start your own service initiative or join an existing organization.

5. School Publications: If you enjoy writing or journalism, consider taking on a leadership role in your school newspaper, yearbook, literary magazine, or website.

6. Peer Tutoring/Peer Mentoring: You can contribute as a peer tutor/mentor by helping and guiding younger students, organizing tutoring sessions, or developing mentorship programs within your school.

7. Performing Arts: If you're passionate about music, theater, or dance, you can take on leadership roles within these groups, leading rehearsals or managing productions.

8. Academic Teams: Serving as a team captain or officer for academic teams such as Debate, Model United Nations, or Science Olympiad is another excellent leadership opportunity.

9. Entrepreneurship: If you have a unique business idea or want to develop your entrepreneurship skills, lead your school's entrepreneurship/business club, or consider starting your own venture.

Remember that genuine passion and commitment to your activities are vital - colleges are more interested in the depth of your involvement and the impact you make. Choose one or two activities you love and work towards a leadership role in those, as it's easier to put in that much time and commitment when you enjoy what you are doing. Good luck exploring these roles and finding the right fit for you!

a year ago

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