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What inspires you - Yale application

I'm working on my Yale application and came across the question, 'What inspires you?' I'm struggling to find the perfect topic to write about. What have successful applicants written about in the past? Any ideas or tips on this topic? Thanks!

a year ago

It's important to write about something authentic and personal to you, rather than trying to guess what might impress the admissions committee for this question. Successful applicants have written about a wide variety of inspirations, so there's no "perfect" answer. Instead, focus on what genuinely inspires and motivates you in your life. Here are a few tips and ideas to help you brainstorm:

1. Reflect on your passions: Think about the activities, hobbies, or subjects that excite you the most and consider why they're important to you. It could be a certain academic subject that constantly challenges your thinking or a hobby that pushes you to grow as an individual.

2. Identify a meaningful experience: Reflect on your life experiences to determine a specific moment or event that profoundly affected you. This could be a conversation with a mentor, a trip to a new place, or a personal challenge that helped you gain new insights.

3. Consider role models: Who are the people you admire most, and why? They could be historical figures, family members, teachers, or even characters from literature or movies. Analyzing the qualities you respect in these individuals might help you understand what inspires you.

4. Investigate your values: Delve into your core values and beliefs to identify what drives your actions and decisions. Are you passionate about social justice, environmental protection, or another cause? Explain why these values inspire you and how you've acted on them in your life.

5. Think about your long-term goals: Consider your aspirations and what you hope to achieve in the future. What is the driving force behind these goals? Maybe it's the desire to make a meaningful contribution to society, to excel in your chosen field, or to overcome personal obstacles.

The key is to be introspective and authentic in your writing. Choose a topic that genuinely resonates with you and illustrates a unique aspect of your personality or experiences. Don't worry about trying to impress the readers; instead, aim to provide a sincere and compelling glimpse into what truly inspires you as a person. Good luck with your application!

a year ago

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