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Pros and Cons of Unpaid Internships for High School Students

Hey guys, I'm a junior and looking for some opportunities to gain experience. I'm considering unpaid internships but wanted to know about your experiences. Pros and cons of doing an unpaid internship? Would it be worth it in the long run?

a year ago

Hi there! Pursuing an internship while in high school can be a great way to gain experience and develop skills. Let's break down the pros and cons of unpaid internships.


1. Real-world experience: Even if it's unpaid, an internship can provide you valuable insights into a particular field or industry. You'll have the opportunity to learn new skills and build professional connections.

2. Resume booster: Adding an internship to your resume can help you stand out amongst your peers when applying to colleges or future internships.

3. Networking: Unpaid internships can be an excellent way to develop your professional network, which may lead to future opportunities, job offers, or references.


1. Financial strain: An unpaid internship involves dedicating your time without monetary compensation. You'll likely need to consider if you can afford to spend your time on unpaid work, rather than earning money in a part-time job.

2. Opportunity cost: An unpaid internship could mean less time for other activities, academics, or personal pursuits.

3. Exploitation risk: Although many unpaid internships provide valuable experiences, there are instances where companies exploit young interns, entrusting them with excessive workloads without offering significant learning experiences.

In the long run, whether an unpaid internship is worth it really depends on your personal and financial situation. Consider what you hope to gain from the experience, how it aligns with your future goals, and if it's the best use of your time. It might be helpful to research and speak with others who have completed internships in the field you're considering to hear about their experiences.

Lastly, don't forget to explore other options, like paid internships, research opportunities, or volunteer work, that can also provide valuable experiences and help you develop skills in your areas of interest. Good luck!

a year ago

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