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AP courses available online?

Sup, peeps! What are remote/online AP courses available to students these days? My school doesn't offer all the AP courses I'm interested in, so I'd like to know what online options are out there. Any insight or recommendations?

a year ago

Hello! It's great that you're looking to expand your course options and challenge yourself with additional AP classes. While your school may not offer all the courses you're interested in, there are several online platforms where you can take AP courses:

1. AP Homeschoolers - Offers a variety of AP courses to homeschool students, but any high school student can enroll. Check their website for the courses currently offered:

2. Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth (CTY) - Provides rigorous online courses for academically advanced students. They offer several AP classes, which you can find here:

3. Virtual High School (VHS) - Offers a comprehensive range of AP courses for students in different subjects. Visit their website to see the available courses:

4. Pennsylvania Homeschoolers Accreditation Agency (PHAA) - Similar to AP Homeschoolers, PHAA offers AP classes for a broader audience. View their course offerings at

Some other options to explore are your local community college or university, as they may offer dual-enrollment classes that can provide you with college credit. Keep in mind that taking AP courses online will require discipline, time management, and self-motivation.

Before enrolling in any online course, make sure to consult with your school counselor or academic advisor to confirm that the courses you're interested in will be recognized by your school and colleges you plan to apply to.

Good luck exploring your online AP course options!

a year ago

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