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List of all Division 1 Football Colleges?

I'm a junior interested in playing football in college and would love to have a comprehensive list of all the Division 1 football colleges. Does anyone know where I could find such a list or can you suggest some well-known ones?

a year ago

First, you should know that Division 1 football is divided into two subdivisions: the Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS) and the Football Championship Subdivision (FCS).

A great resource to find a list of all Division 1 football colleges is the NCAA website itself. To give you a brief initial sense of the schools out there, though, there are 130 schools in FBS and 127 schools in FCS, totaling 257 Division 1 football colleges. Some well-known FBS schools include:

- University of Alabama

- Clemson University

- Ohio State University

- University of Oklahoma

- University of Notre Dame

A few notable FCS schools include:

- North Dakota State University

- James Madison University

- Eastern Washington University

- Montana State University

- Villanova University

Keep in mind that looking for the right college goes beyond just the football program, though. Consider academics, campus life, location, and financial aid when narrowing down your options. It's also important to research each school's coaching staff, the style of play, and the team dynamics to make sure it aligns with your goals as a student-athlete.

Additionally, don't hesitate to reach out to coaches at the schools you're interested in. Share your highlight reels and keep them updated on your progress throughout your high school career. Building connections and showing your commitment can be extremely helpful when it comes time for recruitment.

Good luck with your college search and football journey!

a year ago

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