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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What are some strong words to use in college essays?

Hey everyone! I'm working on my college essays and want to make sure my vocabulary is strong. Can you guys suggest some powerful words that can help elevate my writing for admissions officers?

a year ago

Hello! Using a strong vocabulary in your college essays can definitely enhance your writing and make it more engaging. However, rather than focusing on specific words to incorporate, you want to focus on telling a cohesive, engaging story - it's possible a good vocabulary word just doesn't make sense in your particular essay.

A better strategy is to write your essay and then ask your English teacher if they have any suggestions for more sophisticated synonyms of words you're currently using, or a more creative way of expressing an idea. You can also ask CollegeVine's expert college admissions advisors for guidance here.

Overall, focus on crafting a well-structured essay with clear, concise language and strong storytelling, and just sprinkle in some powerful words when appropriate. Good luck with your essays!

a year ago

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