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Common App activities list examples?

Hello! I'm starting to work on my Common App, and I'm having a hard time with the activities section. Can someone give me some examples of what a good activities list looks like? Are there any tips for making mine stand out? Thanks!

a year ago

Hello! I'd be glad to provide you with some tips and guidance on constructing an effective Common App activities list. Keep in mind that each student's experience and involvements are unique, but there are some overarching suggestions and examples to help make your list stand out.

1. Order your activities by importance and personal significance, rather than chronologically. Admissions officers often focus on the first few items, so emphasize what mattered most to you.


- Student Body President (11-12)

- Varsity Tennis Team Captain (11-12)

- Founder of STEM for All Club (10-12)

2. Use specific language to describe your involvement and accomplishments. Quantify your achievements whenever possible.


- Piano: Earned Level 10 Certification from Royal Conservatory, performed in 3 annual recitals, volunteered to teach piano to 5 underprivileged children

3. Abbreviate smartly and clarify previously defined abbreviations.


- Model United Nations (MUN): Served as Sec-Gen (Secretary-General) for state conference, led 15-member team for 3 years, awarded Best Delegate at intl. conference

4. Incorporate awards and honors related to each activity.


- Science Olympiad: Team captain (11), 2-time regional gold medalist in Anatomy & Physiology and Chemistry Lab, 3rd place state competitor

5. Maximize the character limit for each entry, but maintain a clear and concise description.


- School Newspaper Editor: Led a team of 10, increased monthly readership by 25%, redesigned layout, coordinated content creation, and streamlined the editing process

As for making your activities list stand out, remember that the key is showcasing your dedication, leadership skills, and passions through the activities you've chosen. Illustrate your growth, commitment, and impact in those experiences, and admissions officers will see a well-rounded and engaged student.

Best of luck with your Common App!

a year ago

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