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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

In need of advice for UVA application

I'm currently applying to the University of Virginia and I'd love some advice from current students or alumni. Any tips or insights on how to best present myself in the application? Thanks!

a year ago

First and foremost, congratulations on applying to the University of Virginia! As you work on your application, here are some tips to help you present yourself in the best light:

1. Focus on your "spike": UVA, like many top colleges, looks for applicants who have a specific area of depth or expertise. Identify your spike—the area where you're exceptionally accomplished or passionate—and make sure it stands out in your application through your extracurriculars, essays, and recommendations.

2. Highlight your connection to UVA: It's important to showcase your genuine interest in attending the University. Research the school, its programs, and extracurricular opportunities to pinpoint specific aspects that appeal to you. You can mention these in your essays and even in interviews to demonstrate your enthusiasm and commitment to becoming a part of the UVA community.

3. Show your character: Beyond academic qualifications, UVA values students who are ethical, compassionate, and dedicated to helping others. Make sure to emphasize any activities or experiences that highlight these qualities, such as community service, leadership roles, or collaborations with peers.

4. Be authentic in your essays: UVA's essay prompts are designed to help the admissions committee get to know you as an individual. Avoid cliché topics and instead choose an aspect of your life, experiences, or beliefs that portrays who you really are. Remember to be reflective and show personal growth when discussing challenges or growth opportunities.

5. Tailor your recommendations: If possible, ask for recommendation letters from teachers, counselors, or mentors who know you well and can speak to your spike and character. Make sure they understand the specific strengths and qualities UVA is looking for in its applicants.

6. Consider applying Early Decision or Early Action: If UVA is your top choice, applying ED or EA can improve your chances of acceptance. This sends a strong signal of your commitment to the University and allows the admissions committee to consider your application in a smaller pool of applicants.

Remember, while it's essential to present yourself in the best possible light, it's equally important to be truthful and genuine. Best of luck with your application!

a year ago

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