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USC Freshman Housing: What's the best option?

Hi everyone! I'm an incoming freshman at USC and I need to choose housing soon. Can current or former students share their experiences and recommend which dorms or housing options are best for freshmen? Thank you!

a year ago

Hi there! First of all, congratulations on being an incoming freshman at USC! There are several housing options for freshmen that can cater to different preferences. Let me briefly detail some popular choices:

1. New/North Residential College: Known for its social atmosphere, New/North usually attracts students looking to participate in numerous social events and build close-knit communities. The dorms are suite-style, and each suite shares a common living area with sofas. However, keep in mind that it can get a bit noisy at times.

2. Parkside International Residential College (IRC): Parkside IRC is a modern, suite-style dorm that fosters a diverse and inclusive environment. It's located close to the dining hall and has study rooms on each floor. A great option if you're looking for a more balanced mix of social life and academics.

3. Birnkrant Residential College: Primarily an honors student housing, but many non-honors students reside there as well. It offers great academic resources and is close to several dining options. It's known to have a good balance of fun and a studious atmosphere.

4. Pardee Tower and Marks Tower: These two high-rise towers offer traditional dorm-style rooms in single or double occupancy. They're located near the Lyon Recreation Center and have recently been renovated. The towers provide a decent balance of social and academic life.

5. Village: Although not exclusive to freshmen, which can be a downside for some, the Village is a newer complex with apartment-style living, which has its own perks. It has several amenities, including a fitness center and multiple dining options. This option allows for more independence and is suited for students who want a quieter atmosphere.

Ultimately, the "best" housing option depends on your personal preferences and what you hope to get out of your college experience. Consider factors such as room layouts, number of roommates, proximity to classes and dining facilities, the level of noise, and social life when making your decision. Good luck and enjoy your time at USC!

a year ago

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