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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What high school clubs are you part of?

Hi everyone, I'm looking for some ideas on extracurriculars to join during high school. I'm interested in learning about the clubs/activities y'all have been involved in and your experiences. Please let me know if you have any particularly fun or unique suggestions! Thanks!

a year ago

Hey there! It's great that you're searching for extracurriculars to expand your high school experience. Here are a few clubs I've seen and heard about that cover a range of interests:

1. Robotics Club — A fantastic opportunity for students interested in engineering, coding, and teamwork. Participants often build robots to compete in competitions like FIRST Robotics or VEX Robotics.

2. Model United Nations (MUN) — A simulation of the real United Nations, where students assume roles as diplomats and work together to solve global issues. This club can help develop public speaking, research, and negotiation skills.

3. Environmental Club — A group for students who are passionate about the environment and sustainability. You might organize campus clean-ups, recycling programs, or awareness campaigns to promote eco-friendly practices.

4. Quiz Bowl — A trivia-based competition where teams face off to answer questions on a wide range of topics. This club can be a blast for students who love learning new facts and testing their knowledge.

5. Student Newspaper or Yearbook — These clubs allow you to develop your writing, photography, or design skills while contributing to a publication that documents school events and student life.

6. Drama Club/Theatre — Whether you're into acting, singing, dancing, or working behind the scenes, drama clubs provide a creative outlet for students to express themselves and collaborate on performances.

7. Art Club — A space for young artists to explore different media, learn new techniques, and showcase their work. Some art clubs may collaborate with other organizations for murals or charity projects.

8. Volunteer Clubs — There are many volunteer-focused clubs like Interact, Key Club, or National Honor Society, where members work together on community service projects and help make a difference in their local area.

9. Language or Cultural Clubs - These clubs, such as Spanish Club or Asian Culture Club, offer students the opportunity to learn more about different cultures, practice language skills, and expand their understanding of the world.

10. Entrepreneurship/Business Club - Aimed at fostering skills in leadership, finance, and marketing, these clubs may participate in competitions like DECA or Junior Achievement to simulate real-world business scenarios.

Remember, the most important part is to find clubs that you're genuinely passionate about and align with your interests. Don't be afraid to explore and try new things! Good luck in your search.

a year ago

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