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Common App essay help: Williams supplement?

Hi, everyone! I'm applying to Williams College, and I'm stumped on their supplement essay. Does anyone have advice on how to approach it or any ideas on what to write about? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hello! It's natural to feel stumped with supplement essays, but fear not – we're here to help. Williams College's supplement essay is designed to gauge your interest in and passion for the college. To approach the essay, take some time to reflect on your experiences, values, and goals, and think about how Williams College aligns with them.

First, research the college thoroughly. Find specific aspects of Williams College that resonate with you, such as programs, research opportunities, clubs, campus culture, or traditions. What values does the college hold and how do they align with yours? For example, if you have a strong interest in environmental conservation, you could mention the Zilkha Center for Environmental Initiatives and discuss how their commitment to sustainability aligns with your values.

Next, consider your personal experiences and how they've shaped you. What experiences make you an interesting and unique candidate who will contribute to the Williams community? This could be an experience related to your academic or extracurricular activities, personal background, or a challenge you overcame. Make sure to focus on how those experiences have prepared you for Williams and how you see yourself participating in the college's community.

Now, let's talk about structure. A successful essay will have a clear, concise answer to the prompt while also weaving in your personal anecdotes and tangible examples of your connection to the college. Start with an engaging introduction – an anecdote, question, or bold statement – to grab the reader's attention. Then, link your experiences and values to specific aspects of Williams College throughout the essay. Finish with a strong conclusion that ties everything together and reiterates your enthusiasm for the college.

Remember to be genuine, specific, and personal. It's crucial to demonstrate that you've done your homework on the college and understand what makes it unique. Doing so will not only help you write a strong essay but will also give you a better understanding of whether Williams is the right fit for you.

Best of luck with your essay!

a year ago

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