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Summer internships for high school students in LA - any suggestions?

Hey guys! I live in the Los Angeles area and I'm looking for some summer internships as a high schooler. Does anyone know of some cool opportunities around here? Preferably something related to tech, if possible. Thanks!

a year ago

Hey there! It's fantastic that you're interested in getting some experience through a summer internship in the tech field. Los Angeles has a vibrant tech scene with a ton of opportunities for high school students. Here are some suggestions to help you find the perfect internship:

1. Start by checking out local tech companies and their websites. Many well-established companies, as well as startups, offer internship opportunities for high school students. Keep in mind that even if there isn't anything formally listed, if you reach out directly the company may be able to something up for you.

2. Reach out to local nonprofit organizations focused on tech education. Groups like LA Makerspace, Code for LA, and DIY Girls often have internship or volunteer positions that could provide valuable learning experiences in the tech field.

3. Visit your high school's career center or talk to a school counselor, as they may have information on local internship openings and can help point you in the right direction.

4. Keep an eye out for tech-related events in the LA area that could offer networking opportunities. Tech conferences, hackathons, and meet-ups can be great ways to connect with professionals in the industry who may know of internship openings.

5. There are also summer tech programs specifically designed for high school students that could provide a similar experience to an internship. Check out camps like iD Tech, which has a location in Los Angeles offering various tech courses.

6. While not focused on tech specifically, CollegeVine has compiled a list of reputable summer internships and programs in the Los Angeles area, which you can find here:

One last piece of advice: remember to start your search early, as many internships may have application deadlines or limited spaces. Good luck in your hunt for the perfect tech internship in LA!

a year ago

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