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| 800 verbal


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Submitting letters of recommendation?

Hey, guys! So, when it comes to applying to colleges, where do our teachers submit their letters of recommendation? Does it go through the Common App or some other platform? A bit confused, so any help would be appreciated.

a year ago

Hey there! No worries, I'm here to help clarify the process for you. For most colleges, teachers will submit their letters of recommendation through the Common App or Coalition App, depending on which platform you're using to apply. When you complete your application, there's a section to invite recommenders. Upon entering the teachers' email addresses, they will receive an email with a link and instructions on how to upload their letters for your application.

In some cases, colleges might use their own application systems, in which case the letter submission process might be slightly different. It's important to double-check the requirements and instructions for each specific college you're applying to.

Additionally, if your high school uses Naviance for college applications, the letters of recommendation may be submitted through that platform. In this case, your teachers would upload the letters there, and they'll be connected to your application upon submission.

I hope this clears up the process for submitting letters of recommendation! Good luck with your applications!

a year ago

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