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Looking for fun and unique argumentative essay topics!

Hey there! I've got an assignment to write an argumentative essay, and I want to pick a fun and unique topic that'll make my essay stand out. Can you share some ideas for fun argumentative essay topics that aren't overused?

a year ago

Hello! I understand that you're looking for a unique and fun topic for your argumentative essay. It's great that you want to make your essay stand out. Here are a few interesting topics for you to consider:

1. The role of social media influencers in shaping public opinion: Are they a force for good or bad?

2. Virtual reality experiences as a cure for loneliness: Do the benefits outweigh the potential risks?

3. Should companies be allowed to advertise directly to children? Does this practice have long-term consequences on their development?

4. The ethics of using artificial intelligence in law enforcement: Does it promote fairness or exacerbate existing biases?

5. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs): Are the benefits of their use worth the potential risks to the environment and human health?

6. The impact of mobile devices on interpersonal communication: Are we trading real-life connections for online ones?

7. The role of art and creativity in mental health: Should artistic pursuits be integrated into mental health treatment plans?

8. The gig economy and its effects on worker rights and benefits: Is the flexibility worth the lack of stability?

9. The consequences of reality TV on society: Does it foster stereotypes and unhealthy behavior, or is it simply harmless entertainment?

10. The use of private companies to explore space: Does this promote innovation and accessibility, or is it a slippery slope toward commercializing a shared resource?

These are just some suggestions to get you started. The key to a successful argumentative essay is choosing a topic you feel passionate about and presenting a well-researched and compelling argument. Good luck, and I hope you find these ideas helpful!

a year ago

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