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How to Answer 'Tell Me About Yourself' in a College Interview?

I have a college interview coming up, and I'm struggling with the 'tell me about yourself' question. How personal should I get, and what's the best way to structure my answer? I want to make a good impression!

17 days ago

Figuring out how to present yourself in a college interview can indeed feel overwhelming. Remember, at its core, "Tell me about yourself" is an opportunity to succinctly convey your interests, achievements, and future goals. It's not necessarily about personal or private aspects of your life, but about what makes you an interesting candidate for the college.

Begin by introducing yourself with basic details: your name, where you're from, the high school you attend. This sets the foundation for the rest of your response.

Next, transition into significant activities, experiences, or interests that relate to your academic life. For example, if you're passionate about biology and have done impressive work in that field, whether through a high-profile summer internship, a science club you lead at your school, or even a personal project, make sure to mention it. Remember that excitement and passion are often contagious - if you're excited about what you're saying, there's a good chance the interviewer will be too.

You should also connect your academic and extracurricular experiences to your future goals. Explain why you're interested in your intended major, if you have one, and how it connects to your career goals. Alternatively, if you're undecided, you can talk about the subjects or issues that intrigue you the most, and how you hope to explore them further in college.

Lastly, remember to keep it concise. Aim for about 2 minutes, which should give your interviewer a clear, well-rounded idea of who you are as a student and an individual without taking up too much of the interview time.

Preparation is key. Write down your thoughts beforehand, practice your response repeatedly, and don't forget to add examples where necessary. This will help you feel more comfortable and confident during the interview.

Remember, the goal of the interview is for the college to get to know you better. Your response to "Tell me about yourself" should offer a concise but comprehensive snapshot of you as a unique individual with specific interests, experiences, and ambitions. It is a chance to highlight not only your academic accomplishments, but also your personal journey and growth.

17 days ago

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