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AP credit at Columbia?

I've taken a lot of AP courses in high school, and I'm wondering if Columbia accepts AP scores for credit. If they do, can anyone tell me what scores are needed, and if there are any limitations on how much credit I can get? Thanks!

a year ago

Columbia University does accept AP (Advanced Placement) scores for credit, but there are specific criteria you need to meet for each subject. Generally, for most subjects, you will need a score of 4 or 5 to receive credit. That being said, some departments may have lower or higher score requirements, so it's essential to review the guidelines for each subject area.

The amount of credit you can receive from AP scores at Columbia varies depending on the subject and department. Some subjects might award one or multiple credits, while others might fulfill prerequisites or provide placement into more advanced courses. Keep in mind that there may also be a maximum number of credits you can earn through AP exams.

To learn about the specific guidelines and credit policies for each department, you can refer to Columbia University's Advanced Placement guide, which provides detailed information on score requirements, limitations, and how they may affect your academic path. You can find this guide on the Columbia College website, or you can contact the individual departments with any specific questions or concerns.

a year ago

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