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Mock Trial for College Applications

Hi all! I'm really into Mock Trial and I've invested a lot of time in it throughout high school. Do colleges typically think highly of Mock Trial as an extracurricular activity? Will it help me stand out during the admissions process?

a year ago

Hello! Mock Trial is definitely a worthwhile activity to include on your college applications. It showcases a variety of important skills, such as critical thinking, public speaking, teamwork, and analytical abilities. Colleges generally view Mock Trial as a strong extracurricular that highlights your interests and abilities.

As for whether it will help you stand out in the admissions process, that largely depends on your level of involvement and achievements in Mock Trial. If you've held leadership positions, won awards, or attended prestigious competitions, it will definitely enhance your application. Make sure to emphasize these accomplishments when describing your involvement in the activity.

However, keep in mind that colleges often value students who have a "spike" or a specialty in which they excel. While Mock Trial alone might not be enough to differentiate you from other applicants, it can contribute to your overall spike if it aligns well with your major or career interest, such as law or political science.

In summary, Mock Trial is certainly a respected extracurricular activity, and your achievements within the activity can help you stand out. To ensure your application is well rounded and compelling, continue to pursue other extracurricular activities that align with your goals, interests, and strengths.

a year ago

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