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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Computer Science volunteer opportunities for high school students?

Hi, guys! I'm trying to find some volunteer opportunities related to computer science for high school students. Any suggestions or websites where I might be able to find opportunities? Or have you done any cool CS volunteering yourself? Sharing experiences would be awesome!

9 months ago

Hello! It's fantastic that you're looking for volunteer opportunities in computer science. Engaging in volunteer work is not only personally rewarding, but it can also strengthen your college applications. Here are a few ideas for you to consider:

1. Coding mentor: Many local libraries, community centers, and schools organize coding classes or workshops for younger students. Reach out to these places and see if they need volunteers to help teach or mentor participants. This can be a great way to share your skills and give back to your community.

2. Online tutoring: You can offer your computer science expertise through online tutoring platforms or educational websites. Volunteering on websites such as Learn to Be allows you to work with students who may not typically have access to computer science education, so you can make a big impact on their learning.

3. Hackathons: Many hackathons, especially those targeted at high school students, need mentors and volunteers to run the event successfully. Look for hackathons in your area or online and get involved in organizing, mentoring, or judging entries.

4. Nonprofit organizations: Some nonprofits focus on technology and computer science education for underprivileged students. Organizations like Code.org, Girls Who Code, and Black Girls Code often have volunteer opportunities where you can contribute by teaching, mentoring, or assisting with their programs.

5. Local schools and clubs: If your school or other nearby schools have computer science clubs, after-school programs, or coding boot camps, consider offering your time as a volunteer to support their efforts.

Finally, don't be afraid to reach out directly to local organizations and inquire about volunteer opportunities. They're often happy to have enthusiastic and knowledgeable young people involved in their programs!

Good luck, and I hope you find a computer science volunteering opportunity that you enjoy!

9 months ago

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