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Creative writing programs for high schoolers?

As an aspiring writer, I'd really love to join a creative writing program specifically for high school students. Do you peeps know any popular or well-regarded programs? Bonus points if they're online!

9 months ago

There are several popular and well-regarded creative writing programs for high school students, both online and in-person. A few options to consider:

1. The Iowa Young Writers' Studio: A prestigious program held in-person at the University of Iowa every summer. It offers a two-week intensive workshop for high school students interested in fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction. They also offer online courses that run throughout the year.

2. Kenyon Review Young Writers Workshop: This two-week program, held at Kenyon College, allows students to immerse themselves in the writing process through small group workshops. They also offer an online workshop for those who prefer a remote experience.

3. Stanford Online High School: Stanford OHS often holds creative writing courses designed for high school students. Classes are taught by Stanford professors and cover a range of topics, from poetry and short stories to scriptwriting and personal essays.

4. The Adroit Journal Mentorship Program: This is a free online program that pairs established writers with high school students for an intensive 12-week mentorship in poetry, fiction, or nonfiction. The program focuses on skill development, workshops, and personal feedback.

5. One Story Summer Writers Conference: One Story is a highly respected literary magazine, and their week-long writing conference for high school students usually takes place in person in Brooklyn.

These are just a few examples of creative writing programs available to high school students. Many universities, writing centers, and online platforms offer similar opportunities, so make sure to explore your options and find one that best aligns with your interests and goals. You can also find a more comprehensive list on CollegeVine's blog: https://blog.collegevine.com/high-school-summer-writing-programs.

Good luck with finding one that's a good fit for you!

9 months ago

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