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How does a weighted GPA work for an AP class?

So, I have a B+ in one of my AP classes. How does this affect my weighted GPA? Does it count differently than a regular class on a 4.0 scale?

11 months ago

A weighted GPA takes into account the rigor of the courses you've taken, such as AP (Advanced Placement) classes, by assigning a higher point value to the grades in those courses. While the unweighted GPA scale typically goes up to a maximum of 4.0, the weighted GPA scale can be as high as 5.0 (or even 6.0 in some cases) due to the additional points assigned for more difficult courses.

In most high schools, the grading scale for AP classes adds an extra point to the grade points you've earned. For example, an A in a regular class might be worth 4.0 grade points (on a 4.0 scale), but an A in an AP class would be worth 5.0 grade points (on a 5.0 scale). The same logic applies for other letter grades: a B+ in a regular class might be worth 3.3 points, while a B+ in an AP class would be worth 4.3 points.

To calculate your cumulative weighted GPA, you'll have to multiply the grade points earned for each course by the number of credit hours the course is worth, add those values up, and then divide by the total number of credit hours you've taken. Here's an example (assuming that all courses are worth the same credit hours):

Regular Class: A (4.0)

Regular Class: B (3.0)

AP Class: B+ (4.3)

Total grade points: 4.0 + 3.0 + 4.3 = 11.3

Total credit hours (assuming each class is worth 1 credit hour): 1 + 1 + 1 = 3

Weighted GPA: 11.3 / 3 = 3.77

As you can see, having a B+ in an AP class raises your weighted GPA compared to having the same grade in a regular class. Keep in mind, though, that each school may have its own unique GPA scale, so it's essential to understand your school's specific grading and weighting policies to know exactly how your GPA will be affected. I hope this helps give you an initial sense of how weighted GPA works, though!

11 months ago

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