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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Exploring Universities by Size?

Hey everyone, I'm starting to make my college list and I'm curious about the size of different campuses. Does anyone have a resource or know which universities have the largest campus areas in terms of both population and physical size? I want to consider campus size while making my decision. Thanks for your help!

a year ago

Hello! It's good that you're considering campus size while creating your college list, as it can influence your overall college experience. There are many resources available to find out campus sizes, both in terms of population and physical area. While various sources might have slightly different rankings, I'll provide you a quick list of some of the largest campuses to help you get started:

Largest campus populations (enrollment):

1. University of Central Florida

2. Texas A&M University

3. The Ohio State University

4. Florida International University

5. University of Florida

Largest physical campus areas:

1. Berry College

2. United States Air Force Academy

3. United States Military Academy (West Point)

4. Stanford University

5. University of the South (Sewanee)

Please note that these are just a few examples and might not include every large campus. To find more information, you can refer to resources like U.S. News, CollegeVine, or the National Center for Education Statistics ( You can also check the official websites of individual universities to gather more specific data on campus size and population.

Additionally, don't forget to consider other factors that are important to you, such as academic quality, extracurricular opportunities, and location, as these can also significantly impact your college experience. Good luck with your college search!

a year ago

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