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Using College Level Words in Essays

Yooooo, I wanna make my college essays sound more sophisticated but I'm not exactly sure where to start. What are some college level words or vocabulary I can use in my essays to make them stand out?

a year ago

Hey there! While it's tempting to use fancy vocabulary to make your essay sound more sophisticated, it's not necessarily the best approach. Instead of focusing on using "college-level" words, concentrate on making your essay clear, engaging, and true to your personal voice.

To improve your essay, focus on the following:

1. Be authentic: Write what feels genuine to you rather than trying to impress the admission officers with complex vocabulary. Your unique voice and perspective are what truly make your essay stand out.

2. Use strong verbs: Replace weak verbs with more specific and vivid ones. For example, instead of saying "went," you could use "hurried" or "ambled" depending on the context.

3. Vary sentence structures: Mix up simple, compound, and complex sentences to create a smooth and enjoyable reading experience.

4. Be concise: Get rid of unnecessary words and phrases that don't add value to your essay. This makes your writing more impactful and keeps the readers engaged.

5. Show, don't tell: Use descriptive language and specific examples to convey your experiences, emotions, and accomplishments.

Finally, when editing your essay, utilize resources like a thesaurus or grammar guide, but ensure that you employ new words and phrases correctly and in the right context. Instead of forcing "college-level" words into your essay, let your natural writing flow and showcase your personal story in a way that resonates with admissions officers. Remember, they want to get to know you, not just see an extensive vocabulary list. Good luck!

a year ago

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