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Aerospace Engineering major: What should I know?

Hey guys, I'm a junior and I've been considering an aerospace engineering major. Does anyone have advice on what I should be focusing on in high school in terms of classes, extracurriculars, or other experiences that would better prepare me for this major and college overall?

9 months ago

Hi there! It's great that you're interested in aerospace engineering as a major. Here are some recommendations for you to prepare yourself for this path while still in high school:

Classes: Focus on taking advanced courses in math and science, such as Advanced Placement (AP) classes in Physics, Calculus, and Chemistry. These courses will give you a strong foundation in the subjects that are essential for aerospace engineering. It would also be helpful if your school offers any engineering-related courses, such as computer-aided design (CAD), robotics, or any other STEM-focused electives.

Extracurriculars: Consider joining or forming an engineering, robotics, or science club at your school. Participation in organizations like FIRST Robotics or Science Olympiad can help you gain hands-on experience with engineering-related projects while showcasing your interest in the field. You could also look for summer programs or internships related to aerospace engineering or STEM fields. These opportunities will help you gain real-world experience and demonstrate your commitment to pursuing this major.

Other experiences: Networking and finding mentors in the aerospace engineering industry can be incredibly valuable. Attend local industry events, job fairs, or STEM conferences, and try to make connections with aerospace engineers or professionals in related fields. You could also reach out to local aerospace companies or research centers and inquire about job shadowing or informational interviews to get a better understanding of the industry and potential career paths.

Lastly, remember that while it's important to tailor your high school experience to your intended major, colleges also value well-rounded students who are passionate about their interests. So, don't forget to engage in other activities as well, like community service, sports, or the arts, that showcase your diverse skills and help you develop as a person.

For more information on becoming an aerospace engineer click here: https://blog.collegevine.com/how-to-become-an-aerospace-engineer/

Good luck with your preparations, and I hope these suggestions help you build a strong foundation for your future in aerospace engineering!

9 months ago

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