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What are some free programs for teens that look good on college applications?

Hi fellow juniors, I'm trying to find some interesting and free programs for teens that would look good on college applications. Bonus points if they're related to STEM fields! Do you have any suggestions?

a year ago

Hello! It's awesome that you're looking for opportunities to strengthen your college applications while also exploring your interests. Here are some free programs and opportunities for teens, particularly in the STEM fields, that can be beneficial for your application:

1. Google Code-in: This is a coding competition for students between the ages of 13 and 17. It's a fantastic opportunity to show your coding expertise, collaborate with open-source organizations, and gain valuable experience.

2. MIT INSPIRE: This is a national research competition in the arts, humanities, and social sciences for high school students. Although not specifically STEM-focused, the competition features various categories that include subjects related to STEM, like economics and technology.

3. FIRST Robotics: Join or form a team to participate in this robotics competition for students aged 6-18. Students can learn programming, design, engineering, and problem-solving skills while working in a team setting.

4. Zero Robotics: This is a programming competition where high school students create code for small satellites (SPHERES) onboard the International Space Station. It's a unique opportunity to work on real-world space exploration problems.

5. NASA STEM Engagement Programs: NASA offers various programs, challenges, and internships for K-12 students, which can be excellent additions to your extracurricular activities. Keep an eye on their website for updates and deadlines.

6. Science Olympiad: This is a national science competition that offers various events in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Join a team at your school or form an independent team to compete at regional, state, and national levels.

7. Codecademy: While not a program itself, Codecademy offers free, online coding courses in various languages like Python, JavaScript, and HTML/CSS. Gaining proficiency in coding languages can bolster your application and enable you to contribute to other STEM-focused activities and projects.

8. Local opportunities: Keep an eye out for local STEM clubs, summer camps, and workshops hosted by nearby universities, museums, or organizations. Volunteering to tutor younger students in math or science or participating in science fairs can also be great options to highlight your interest in STEM.

Remember, colleges value in-depth involvement and quality experiences more than just participation in multiple programs. Focus on finding programs that align with your passions and allow you to develop your skills and expertise in your chosen field.

Finally, if none of these seems quite right, consider checking out CollegeVine's blog for a more extensive list of free programs, although not all of them are related to STEM:

Good luck finding the right fit for you!

a year ago

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