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How to answer 'why this university' in a college interview?

For college interviews, how should I approach the 'why this university' question? I'm finding it challenging to articulate my reasons without sounding generic. Any tips on how to personalize my response effectively?

20 days ago

This is a common challenging question, but with some thoughtful planning and research, you can craft a compelling answer. When articulating 'why this university,' it's important to avoid general statements like, "Because you're a well-known university," or "Due to the great reputation." Both admissions officers and interviewers have heard these responses countless times.

Start with diligent research about the school. The university's official website, its social media pages, and indeed platforms like CollegeVine are great starting places. Beyond the courses and facilities, try to identify unique experiences or resources that the university offers which align with your academic or career goals. Is there a particular program or course structure that aligns with your learning style? Does the university have research opportunities, internships, or extracurricular activities that match your interests? Are there professors whose work you admire?

Take, for example, a student interested in studying environmental policy. They might talk about a specific interdisciplinary program at the university that combines political science, environmental studies, and policy research. They could mention a series of guest lectures or a research project run by the university that focuses on policy-making in environmental issues. This level of detail shows that they've done their homework and can picture themselves as part of the university's community.

Finally, touch upon the community and values of the school. Discuss a few aspects of the university's culture, community service initiatives, or traditions that resonate with you. Show them you are not just familiar with what the school can offer you, but also how you can contribute to their community.

In sum, the focus of the 'why this university' question should be on the alignment – how the university's offerings match your academic, career, and personal goals, and why it would be a great fit for you. Tailoring your response with specifics from the university will help to make it individual and convincing. Good luck!

20 days ago

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