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Understanding the PSAT/SAT Conversion Chart

Hey guys! I was researching how to convert my PSAT score to an SAT equivalent, and I came across a conversion chart. However, I'm confused about how to use it. Can someone explain the process of converting PSAT to SAT scores using the chart? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hey there! It's completely normal to be a little confused by the PSAT/SAT conversion chart. I'll do my best to explain the process step-by-step.

1. First, locate your PSAT score on the chart. There should be two columns: one for PSAT scores, and another for SAT scores.

2. Once you've found your PSAT score on the chart, look directly across from it to find the corresponding SAT score. This is an approximate conversion, so it may not be an exact match, but it should be close enough.

3. It's important to remember that the conversion isn't 1-to-1, though it's fairly close. For instance, an 1150 on the PSAT roughly translates to a 1180 on the SAT.

4. Note that this conversion is merely an estimate and shouldn't be taken as an absolute guarantee. Your actual SAT score may vary depending on factors such as the difficulty of the SAT you take, your preparedness, and test-day conditions.

Keep in mind that the point of the PSAT is to give you an idea of your current aptitude for the SAT and help you identify areas for improvement. Use your converted SAT score and PSAT sub-scores to target specific areas for further practice and preparation, so you can perform even better on the actual SAT!

Also check out this CollegeVine article for an up-to-date chart with explanations:

Good luck with your preparation, and I hope this explanation has made the conversion process clearer for you!

a year ago

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