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Is physics a must in college?

I'm not a huge fan of physics, but I'm wondering if it's necessary to take a physics course in college, regardless of your major. Does anyone have any experience they could share? Is it a common requirement?

a year ago

It really depends on your intended major and the particular college you attend. Each college has different requirements for their degree programs and general education courses. If you're majoring in science, engineering, or a related field, you'll likely be required to take a physics course as it's crucial to those disciplines. However, if you're majoring in humanities or social sciences, it's less likely that physics would be a mandatory requirement.

That being said, many colleges have general education requirements that include taking a certain number of classes across various disciplines, including natural sciences. In such cases, you might have a choice between taking physics, chemistry, or biology to fulfill that requirement, depending on your personal preferences and the course offerings at your college.

To find out if you'll need to take physics in college, research your prospective college's degree and general education requirements. You can usually find this information on the college's website or by visiting the academic department you're interested in. You could also reach out to an academic advisor or college counselor for more specific guidance based on your major and college choice.

a year ago

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