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Looking for computer science camps recommendations

I'd love to attend a computer science camp this summer! Does anyone have any recommendations for really good computer science camps or programs I should look into? Something preferable online or on the East Coast would be great.

a year ago

There are several well-regarded computer science camps and programs that you could consider this summer. Here is a list of online and East Coast-based options:

1. iD Tech: This reputable organization offers a variety of computer science camps and courses, both online and in-person. They cover topics such as coding, game development, robotics, and artificial intelligence. They have in-person camps at various college campuses on the East Coast, including MIT, NYU, and UNC.

2. Codecademy: While not a traditional summer camp, Codecademy offers a comprehensive online platform with interactive coding courses. They cover various programming languages, including Python, JavaScript, and Java, as well as web development courses.

3. Girls Who Code: If you identify as female or non-binary, Girls Who Code offers summer immersion programs on college campuses on the East Coast, such as Columbia University, Cornell Tech, and Georgetown University. These two-week programs are designed to teach computer science fundamentals and introduce participants to influential women in tech.

4. MIT LaunchX: This four-week entrepreneurship program is offered online or in-person at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Participants learn how to build a startup company, which involves developing a product or service and learning the necessary programming skills to create a working prototype.

5. Digital Media Academy: With in-person camps held on the East Coast at prestigious universities like Harvard, Princeton, and Yale, DMA offers a wide range of computer science courses focused on programming, game development, 3D modeling, and more.

6. Carnegie Mellon's Summer Academy for Math and Science (SAMS): This six-week residential program in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, provides hands-on learning experiences in computer science through courses, labs, and projects for high school students.

Also check out this CollegeVine article for more opportunities:

All of these programs have their own unique strengths and focus areas, so take the time to explore each one and determine which best aligns with your interests and goals for the summer. Good luck in your search, and have a fantastic, enriching summer!

a year ago

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