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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Full list of AP tests?

I want to plan out my remaining years of high school, but I'm not sure which AP tests I should take. Can anyone provide a list of all the AP tests available, so I can decide what interests me?

a year ago

Certainly! Here's a comprehensive list of AP (Advanced Placement) tests offered by the College Board. These exams are typically taken at the end of the corresponding AP course in high school. Keep in mind that not all high schools offer every AP course, so be sure to check the course offerings at your school to help decide which tests you want to take.

All the courses and exam subjects can be found here:

Remember that taking a variety of AP courses and excelling in those that align with your academic interests and future plans is generally more important than taking a large number of exams. Focus on choosing courses that you're genuinely interested in and that will help you develop a robust academic profile for college admissions.

Good luck planning your AP course schedule!

a year ago

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