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Salutatorian vs. Valedictorian?

Hey guys! I'm a junior, and I was wondering if someone could clarify the difference between a salutatorian and a valedictorian. How do schools determine who gets these titles? Thanks for the help!

a year ago

Hello! Both salutatorian and valedictorian are titles awarded to students with high academic achievements. The main difference between the two is their class rankings.

The valedictorian is the student with the highest overall grade point average (GPA) in their graduating class. As a result, they often give a speech at the graduation ceremony as the class representative, reflecting on the class's successes and offering words of encouragement for the future.

The salutatorian is the student with the second-highest overall GPA in their graduating class. Like the valedictorian, they may also give a speech at the graduation ceremony, depending on the school's tradition and policies.

The process for determining salutatorian and valedictorian varies by school, but it generally involves calculating students' weighted or unweighted GPAs and considering other factors such as class rank, rigorous coursework, and sometimes extracurricular activities or community involvement. Each school sets its own criteria, so be sure to check with your school's guidance counselor to learn more about their specific policies and requirements.

Being named either salutatorian or valedictorian can be an honor that signifies a student's dedication to their academic success. It can also be a positive addition to a college application, showing admissions officers that the student has demonstrated strong academic performance and commitment throughout their high school years. However, keep in mind that colleges also consider various aspects of an applicant's profile, including extracurricular activities, essays, and more, so having one of these titles is not the only factor in college admissions.

a year ago

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