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Flexible Curriculum: Colleges with the Most?

Hey everyone! I've been looking for colleges that offer flexible curriculums so that I can explore my interests while I'm in school. Does anyone have any recommendations for colleges that have the most flexible curriculum options? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hello! It's great that you would like a college with a flexible curriculum to explore your interests. There are quite a few colleges that offer such options:

1. Brown University: Known for its Open Curriculum, students are not required to follow core requirements, allowing them to create their own course of study.

2. Amherst College: This liberal arts college has an open curriculum with no set distribution requirements, which means students can take classes in any department they choose.

3. Hamilton College: With over 50 areas of study, their open curriculum allows students to take courses across various disciplines and tailor their education according to their goals.

4. Smith College: Similar to other liberal arts schools, Smith has an open curriculum. Students must complete a minimum number of courses and distribution requirements, but there is still a lot of freedom to customize your studies.

5. New College of Florida: As Florida’s public honors college, it offers a flexible, student-centric curriculum. Students work closely with advisors to create their academic plan and the college uses a narrative evaluation system instead of traditional grades.

6. University of Rochester: The University of Rochester’s curriculum enables students to explore their interests by only requiring completion of a primary writing course and minimum coursework in your major.

7. Evergreen State College: This public liberal arts college allows students to create their own academic pathway with interdisciplinary programs. Students receive narrative evaluations instead of traditional grades.

8. Grinnell College: While Grinnell does have requirements, they are relatively minimal when compared to other schools, and interdisciplinary courses often satisfy these requirements.

For a list of colleges with an open curriculum, check out this CollegeVine article:

Remember that it's essential to visit each college's website and learn more about their individual curriculum and degree requirements. Getting in touch with current students or alumni can also provide valuable insights. Good luck in your college search!

a year ago

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