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Understanding ACT subscores

Hey everyone, I got my ACT results and I'm kinda confused about the subscores. What do they mean, and how important are they in the college admissions process? Should I be worried about having some low subscores?

7 months ago

Hey there! I'm happy to help explain ACT subscores and their importance in the college admissions process. When you take the ACT, you receive a composite score which ranges from 1 to 36, and this is the score that most people talk about. However, the ACT also provides subscores for each of the four individual sections: English, Math, Reading, and Science. These subscores, like the composite score, range from 1 to 36 and show how you performed in each specific section.

Now, let's talk about the importance of these subscores in college admissions. The composite score is usually the primary score that colleges consider, but admissions officers may also look at your subscores to get a better understanding of your academic strengths and weaknesses. While colleges typically focus more on the composite score, some schools and specific programs may place a greater emphasis on particular subsections. For example, engineering programs might look more closely at your math subscore, while humanities programs may be more interested in your reading and writing subscores.

In terms of low subscores, it's essential to assess each situation individually. If your composite score falls within the range for the colleges you're interested in, having one or two lower subscores shouldn't be too much of a concern. However, if you're applying to a program where a specific subscore is more critical (like the examples I mentioned earlier), you may want to consider retaking the ACT and focusing on improving that particular section.

Good luck with your college applications, and don't stress too much about those subscores!

7 months ago

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