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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's the importance of the Common App mid-year report?

Hey there, I was just wondering how important the Common App mid-year report is when it comes to college applications? What specific materials are needed for it and when should I submit it?

9 months ago

Hello! The Common App mid-year report is an important piece of your college application because it provides updated information on your academic performance in the first semester or trimester of your senior year. Admissions officers use this report to evaluate your academic progress and ensure that you are maintaining a consistent level of achievement throughout high school.

For the mid-year report, your high school counselor will typically submit your first semester or trimester grades, along with any updates or changes to your course schedule. This allows colleges to see how you're performing in your final year of high school and if you've continued to challenge yourself academically. Some colleges may also require additional materials, such as updated standardized test scores or a brief statement from your counselor regarding your performance.

In terms of timing, you should submit the mid-year report as soon as your first semester or trimester grades are available and finalized, usually around January or February. However, the exact deadline might vary depending on the college, so it's important to check each school's specific requirements and deadlines on their admissions website.

Keep in mind that your mid-year report may be given extra weight if your application is in the 'maybe' pile, as it offers another data point for colleges to assess your academic abilities before making a final decision. Therefore, it's crucial to maintain a strong academic performance during your senior year to demonstrate your dedication and commitment to your education.

9 months ago

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