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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Does University of Pittsburgh Offer Rolling Admissions?

I'm considering applying to the University of Pittsburgh. Does anyone know if they offer rolling admissions? Would be great to have some deadline flexibility while applying to other universities!

10 days ago

Yes, the University of Pittsburgh offers rolling admissions. In a rolling admissions process, the college reviews applications as they are completed and typically renders admission decisions soon after. University of Pittsburgh will begin accepting applications on August 1 and continues to accept and review applications on a rolling basis throughout the winter and spring.

Keep in mind, however, that they also have a Priority Consideration deadline of December 1st for merit scholarship consideration. Applying by this deadline will give you the opportunity to qualify for the university's school-funded scholarships. But if the priority deadline has passed, don't worry—as a rolling admissions school, you can still apply after December 1 and be considered for admission.

A rolling admissions process can give you flexibility with your application, but it's generally still a good rule of thumb to apply earlier rather than later, especially if you're considering housing options or specific programs with more competitive admission requirements. Good luck with your application process!

10 days ago

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