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SAT: 720 math
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Dealing with the FAFSA 10 school limit

I've been stressing out about the FAFSA 10 school limit. I want to apply to more than 10 colleges, but I don't know how I can manage this with the limit. Is there a workaround, or should I just narrow down my list of schools?

a year ago

It's completely understandable that you're concerned about the FAFSA 10 school limit, but there is a way to manage it if you're applying to more than 10 colleges. Here's what you can do:

1. Fill out and submit the FAFSA with your initial list of 10 colleges.

2. Wait for the FAFSA to be processed, which usually takes about 3-5 days. You'll receive a Student Aid Report (SAR) once your FAFSA is processed.

3. After your FAFSA has been processed and your initial list of colleges receives your financial information, you can then make changes to your FAFSA by removing some of the initial 10 schools and adding the additional schools you intend to apply to.

4. To make these changes, log in to your FAFSA account and click "Make FAFSA Corrections." Remove some schools from the list and add the remaining ones you wish to send your financial aid information to. Once you've made these changes, resubmit the FAFSA.

5. The new schools you've added will receive your financial aid information, while the schools you removed will keep the data they previously received.

Keep in mind that you should prioritize the schools with earlier financial aid deadlines to ensure they receive your information on time. You may have to repeat this process several times if applying to more than 20 schools, but it is entirely possible if you stay organized and mindful of deadlines.

However, while this workaround exists, you may want to consider narrowing down your list of colleges. Applying to a large number of colleges can be both time-consuming and expensive. Instead, focus on a balanced list of reach, match, and safety schools that best align with your academic and personal interests, goals, and fit.

a year ago

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