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AP Computer Science Principles score calculator?

Hello! I'm taking AP Computer Science Principles and I was wondering if there's a score calculator or a guideline to help estimate my potential score based on my performance in the class. Any help would be much appreciated!

9 months ago

Hello! AP Computer Science Principles has a somewhat unique scoring system, as it combines multiple choice exam scores with the grades from two performance tasks. Your final AP score (which ranges from 1 to 5) is determined by a weighted combination of these components. Here's a breakdown of the scoring process:

1. Multiple Choice Exam (70% of final score): Consists of 74 questions that assess your understanding of the computer science concepts covered throughout the course.

2. Create Performance Task (24% of final score): Requires you to develop a computer program and submit a written response explaining how it works, the design process, and how it addresses the given problem or need.

3. Explore Performance Task (6% of final score): Involves a written response about a computing innovation, its impacts on society, and related ethical concerns.

To estimate your potential AP score, you'll need to keep track of your performance on each of these components throughout the course. Unfortunately, since the scoring system for this particular AP subject is less straightforward than other exams (as it relies on course assignments rather than just an exam), there isn't a widely-recognized online calculator to help with those estimates.

However, you can still gauge your progress by monitoring your grades and feedback from your teacher, as well as how well you understand and master the concepts. You can also use available resources to practice exam questions or review performance task examples to familiarize yourself with the expectations. Consider discussing your performance with your teacher, as they may have valuable insights into how you're likely to score based on your in-class work.

Good luck with AP Computer Science Principles! Keep working hard, and you'll be well-prepared for the AP exam and performance tasks.

9 months ago

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