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AP classes ranked by difficulty?

Hey everyone, I'm trying to decide which AP classes to take next year. Can anyone provide a general ranking of AP classes by difficulty? I know this might be subjective, but I'd love to get an idea of how they compare!

a year ago

Hi! Keep in mind that difficulty can be subjective, as you mentioned, and may vary depending on your abilities, interests, and the specific curriculum at your school. But here's a general ranking to give you an idea:

Most Difficult:

1. AP Calculus BC

2. AP Physics C (both Mechanics and Electricity & Magnetism)

3. AP Chemistry

4. AP Biology

Moderate Difficulty:

5. AP Calculus AB

6. AP Physics 1

7. AP Physics 2

8. AP English Literature and Composition

9. AP English Language and Composition

10. AP U.S. History

11. AP World History

12. AP European History

Less Difficult:

13. AP Statistics

14. AP Environmental Science

15. AP Psychology

16. AP Human Geography

17. AP U.S. Government and Politics

18. AP Macroeconomics

19. AP Microeconomics

20. AP Computer Science A


21. AP Studio Art: Drawing, 2-D Design, and 3-D Design

22. AP Music Theory

23. AP Foreign Languages (difficulty may depend on which language you choose!)

24. AP Comparative Government and Politics

Remember, the most important factor is choosing classes that align with your future academic and career goals, so consider what subjects you're passionate about and how they might connect to your plans. Additionally, be mindful of balancing your course load to maintain both your mental well-being and academic performance. Good luck!

a year ago

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