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UCLA Anthropology Department Insights?

Hey everyone, I'm really considering applying to UCLA with the intention of majoring in Anthropology. Can anyone share their experiences with the Anthropology Department at UCLA? How are the professors, research opportunities, and overall student experiences? Thanks in advance!

9 months ago

Hello! It's great that you're considering UCLA's Anthropology Department for your major.

In terms of professors and academics, UCLA's Anthropology Department is well-regarded and offers a wide range of subfields, including sociocultural anthropology, linguistic anthropology, archaeology, and biological anthropology. The faculty is made up of renowned experts who are passionate about their subjects and eager to share their knowledge. Professors are generally approachable and engaging, but like at any large institution, you may encounter some variation in teaching styles, so it can be helpful to read course evaluations and talk to current students to find the best fit for you.

Research opportunities are abundant at UCLA, both within the Anthropology Department and through interdisciplinary research centers. You can get involved in ongoing research projects led by professors, or you might even have the chance to conduct your own research through the Undergraduate Research Scholars Program (URSP) or the Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship. It's essential to be proactive in seeking out these opportunities, so be sure to communicate your interests early on to your professors and advisors.

As for the overall student experience, while this can differ from student to student, many Anthropology majors at UCLA have positive experiences with the department. Because it's a reasonably sized major, you'll have the chance to build relationships with peers and faculty, which can be helpful for academic support, networking, and collaborative opportunities. Additionally, UCLA offers a variety of student-led clubs and organizations related to anthropology and related fields, so joining one or more of these can further enrich your college journey.

To sum it up, the Anthropology Department at UCLA is a vibrant and supportive community that provides plenty of academic, research, and extracurricular opportunities for its students. To get a more accurate sense of what the experience can be like for you, consider reaching out to current UCLA Anthropology students or alumni through social media or campus visits. Best of luck with your college application process!

9 months ago

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