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Ranking AP classes from easiest to hardest

Hey everyone! I'm trying to figure out my schedule for next year and considering taking some AP classes. Can anyone rank AP classes from easiest to hardest based on their experiences? I'd love to get some insight from people who've taken them before.

a year ago

Hello! Keep in mind that the difficulty of AP classes can vary greatly depending on your strengths and interests. However, I'll provide a general ranking based on common opinions and experiences. Remember, this ranking may vary for you depending on your academic background and personal preferences:

Easier AP Classes:

1. AP Human Geography

2. AP Environmental Science

3. AP Psychology

4. AP Computer Science Principles

5. AP Comparative Government and Politics

Mid-level AP Classes (Moderate Difficulty):

1. AP World History

2. AP US History

3. AP European History

4. AP English Language and Composition

5. AP English Literature and Composition

6. AP Biology

7. AP Chemistry

8. AP Physics 1 is moderately difficult while AP Physics C (mechanics and E&M) is typically considered more challenging

9. AP Statistics

10. AP Calculus AB

More Challenging AP Classes:

1. AP US Government and Politics (generally considered more challenging than Comparative Government)

2. AP Macroeconomics

3. AP Microeconomics

4. AP Calculus BC

5. AP Computer Science A

6. AP Art History

7. AP Music Theory

Remember, individual experiences will differ, and just because a class is deemed "easier" doesn't mean it won't be challenging. Always consider your own interests and strengths when choosing AP classes, and feel free to consult teachers or school counselors for advice on which courses to take. Good luck!

a year ago

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