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What are some good arguments to write about for college essays?

I'm brainstorming ideas for my college essays, and I want to present a strong argument or cultural point. Any advice on topics that could lead to interesting discussions and help me stand out? Thoughts?

a year ago

It's great that you're considering unique and thought-provoking topics for your college essays. Here are a few ideas that could lead to interesting discussions and help you stand out:

1. Social Media: Delve into the impact of social media on personal relationships, mental health, or community engagement. For example, you could discuss how social media has simultaneously connected and divided people or argue for a more mindful approach to social media usage.

2. Environmental Issues: Share your thoughts on a specific environmental issue, such as climate change, plastic pollution, or sustainable living. You could focus on personal changes you've made in your lifestyle or on broader global solutions.

3. Educational Reforms: Reflect on innovative or alternative methods of learning and teaching. For example, you could discuss the benefits of personalized or project-based learning, or you could propose new ways of integrating technology into the classroom.

4. Art and Activism: Explore the role of art in driving social change, whether it's through music, literature, or visual arts. Give examples of artists or works that have inspired you and discuss why art can be a powerful tool for activism.

5. Income Inequality: Tackle the problem of income inequality, discussing potential solutions such as universal basic income or progressive tax reforms. You could also discuss how income inequality affects your community or share personal experiences related to the topic.

6. Technology and Ethics: Delve into ethical questions surrounding emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, genetic engineering, or privacy in the digital age. Offer your thoughts on what ethical considerations and regulations should be in place for these technologies.

7. Psychological Phenomena: Analyze a specific psychological concept or phenomenon, such as cognitive biases, the bystander effect, or growth mindset, and connect it to personal experiences or observations. Discuss the wider implications of these concepts on society and personal development.

Remember to personalize your essay by tying the argument or cultural point back to your own experiences or beliefs. This will not only help your essay stand out but also demonstrate how you engage with complex issues and think critically. Good luck with your essays!

a year ago

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