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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Trip to USC: What can I expect?

Hey everyone! I'm planning a trip to visit USC and I'm super excited. Can any current students or recent visitors share their experiences of the campus and what I should expect? Any must-see places on campus or nearby?

9 months ago

Hello! It's wonderful that you're planning to visit USC. The campus is quite beautiful and offers many interesting spots to explore. Here's an overview of what you may expect from your visit and some must-see locations on campus and nearby.

First, take a stroll around the University Park campus, which is known for its stunning architecture and lush greenery. Key spots to check out include the iconic Tommy Trojan statue, Doheny Library, and the Alumni Park. Don't forget to visit the new USC Village, an impressive residential and retail complex that features various eateries, shops, and comfortable study spaces.

If you're interested in the arts, make sure to stop by the Glorya Kaufman International Dance Center and the USC Fisher Museum of Art. For sporting enthusiasts, you can't miss touring the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, where USC Football games take place, as well as the Galen Center, which hosts USC Basketball matches.

Now, let's talk about the surrounding neighborhood. The campus's location in Downtown Los Angeles provides easy access to cultural attractions like the Natural History Museum, California Science Center, Expo Park, and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. For a quick meal, Exposition Park has many food options, and if you're craving something a bit more, try venturing into nearby K-town for Korean BBQ.

To ensure you make the most out of your trip, consider joining a guided campus tour offered through the Admissions Office - they'll give you a comprehensive view of what USC life is like. If you have particular academic interests, you might also want to schedule a visit to a specific school or department.

Finally, try to interact with current USC students during your visit. They can provide unique insights into the culture and offer their perspective on what makes the experience special. Have a great trip, and enjoy your time exploring USC!

9 months ago

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