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Computer Science and Economics Double Major?

I'm really interested in both computer science and economics, and I've been considering pursuing a double major in college. Is this a common combination or would it be too difficult to manage both? If you've done a double major like this, how was your experience?

a year ago

It's great to see that you're passionate about computer science and economics! While this combination may not be the most common, it is definitely doable at many colleges. Ultimately, the feasibility and difficulty of pursuing a double major will depend on the specific college you attend and your time management skills, among other factors.

As for the workload, it will definitely be demanding due to the amount of coursework and expected rigor in both fields. However, if you are truly passionate about both subjects and are willing to put in the effort, it is possible to successfully complete a double major in computer science and economics. Each major will have its own set of requirements, so careful planning and early consultation with academic advisors will be crucial for you.

To give you an idea of what to expect, consider the following example: Suppose you're enrolled in a university that uses a semester system. You might start off by taking introductory courses in both subjects during your first year to gauge your interest and adapt to college workload. If you decide to pursue the double major, you would continue taking higher-level courses in both subjects and also explore related elective courses throughout your college career.

In terms of managing the workload, you may find it helpful to prioritize and plan your time effectively. This could mean allotting designated hours each day for coursework, utilizing the resources available at your college (like tutoring centers or office hours), and seeking support from peers or professors when necessary.

Doing a double major like this can open up many different career paths and opportunities. For example, combining expertise in computer science and economics can lead you to roles in data analytics, financial technology, or even economic policy analysis, among others.

Ultimately, pursuing a double major in computer science and economics is challenging but possible, depending on your dedication and planning. Take the time to reflect on your goals and passion for both subjects, and consult with academic advisors to make your college experience a rewarding one. Good luck!

a year ago

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