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Undocumented Students: Colleges Meeting 100% Financial Need?

Hey! So, I'm an undocumented student looking to apply to college soon. I've been researching financial aid opportunities and was wondering if anyone knows of any colleges that meet 100% of financial need for undocumented students. Thanks for your help!

a year ago

Hey there! It's fantastic that you're taking the initiative to research financial aid opportunities for undocumented students. There are several colleges that are known for providing financial assistance to undocumented students.

1. Private universities with need-blind policies, such as Harvard, Yale, and Princeton, are typically generous when it comes to financial aid, regardless of immigration status. They evaluate applicants based on factors like academic achievements and extracurricular involvement and meet 100% of demonstrated financial need without requiring federal aid for all admitted students.

2. Some universities, such as Dartmouth, Amherst, and Pomona, are committed to meeting the financial needs of all admitted students regardless of citizenship status. They might not have a formal need-blind policy for undocumented students, but they often offer substantial financial aid packages if you demonstrate a need.

3. On a case-by-case basis, other institutions may offer financial aid to undocumented students as well. For example, the University of Chicago and Brown University both claim to be need-blind for all domestic students, including undocumented students. However, it's essential to research each institution's specific policy, as the amount of financial aid can vary.

4. Additionally, many states have their own financial aid programs for undocumented students. For instance, California has the California Dream Act, which provides state financial aid to eligible undocumented students. New York and Texas have similar programs as well.

Remember, access to financial aid may differ depending on the institution, so it's important to research each college's policies. You may also want to look into scholarships for undocumented students or those that don't require citizenship proof. Good luck with your college search and application process!

a year ago

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