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Tips for writing Caltech supplemental essays?

Hey guys, I'm working on my Caltech supplements and I'm getting a bit overwhelmed. Do any of you have any tips or examples of successful Caltech essays? I really want to write something that stands out but also demonstrates my fit for the school.

9 months ago

Certainly! Caltech's supplemental essays offer a great opportunity for you to showcase your genuine interest in the school and explain why it's the best fit for you. Here are a few tips to help you craft compelling essays:

1. Be Specific: Caltech is known for its strong STEM focus, so it's essential to emphasize your passion and commitment to those fields throughout your essays. Connect your experiences and accomplishments with specific programs, research opportunities, or faculty members at Caltech to show that you've done your research and can contribute to the school's mission.

2. Demonstrate Curiosity and Intellectual Engagement: Caltech values students who are not only academically strong but also naturally curious and eager to explore new ideas. Your essays should convey your genuine intellectual curiosity, by highlighting projects or experiences where you've challenged yourself, learned from failure, or pursued knowledge beyond the classroom.

3. Showcase Your Collaborative Spirit: Caltech has a culture of collaboration, where students work together to solve complex problems. Use your essays to emphasize your teamwork skills and give examples of times when you've worked effectively with others, whether in clubs, competitions, or class projects.

4. Emphasize Problem Solving: Caltech students often tackle difficult problems and come up with innovative solutions. In your essays, include examples of your problem-solving abilities and how you approach challenges. This could be in research you've conducted, a unique solution to a homework problem, or a time when you've had to troubleshoot a complex issue.

5. Make It Personal: Admissions officers want to know who you are beyond just your impressive academic and extracurricular accomplishments. Use your essays to reveal your personality and let your authentic voice come through, by, for example, including anecdotes about your hobbies or personal experiences that have shaped your passion for STEM.

6. Edit, Edit, and Edit Again: A well-written essay requires multiple drafts and revisions. Set aside your essays for a day or two, then come back and read them from an outsider's perspective. Check for clarity, organization, and grammar, and ask for feedback from trusted individuals like teachers, family, or friends.

7. Utilize CollegeVine's resources: For more detailed guidance, you can check out CollegeVine's blog post breaking down how to respond to each Caltech supplement: https://blog.collegevine.com/how-to-write-the-caltech-essays. Also remember that CollegeVine offers both a free peer essay review service and paid reviews by expert college admissions advisors - sometimes, getting a more objective look at your essay from someone who doesn't already know you is just the thing that takes it from good to great!

Finally, remember that a standout essay doesn't have to be about an extraordinary accomplishment or winning a prestigious award. Instead, focus on your unique experiences and perspectives, and show how they align with Caltech's values and culture. Good luck with your essays!

9 months ago

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