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Best AP Chinese study guide?

Hi! I'm going to take AP Chinese next year, and I was wondering if anyone has recommendations for good study guides or resources to help me prepare? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hello! That's exciting that you're taking AP Chinese next year. It's a great way to improve and challenge your Chinese language skills. I'm glad to help you with some resources and study guides.

1. Barron's AP Chinese Language and Culture: This comprehensive guide provides you with a solid foundation for learning Chinese grammar, vocabulary, characters, and culture. It also offers practice tests, both in print and online, that replicate the format of the actual AP Chinese exam.

2. Strive for a 5: AP Chinese Practice Tests: Published by Cheng & Tsui, this book is an excellent supplement to your main study guide. It provides authentic practice tests that will give you a good idea of what to expect on the exam day.

3. Online resources: Quizlet is a very useful platform where you can find various sets of flashcards that cover essential vocabulary and grammar concepts for AP Chinese. Additionally, Chinese Breeze ( offers an extensive library of graded Chinese stories that can help you enhance your reading comprehension skills.

4. Official College Board Resources: College Board provides a list of sample questions and answers from past AP Chinese exams, as well as the AP Chinese Course and Exam Description. These resources can be instrumental in understanding the format and expectations for the exam.

5. Reach out to your teacher: Your AP Chinese teacher will likely have advice and resources specific to the textbooks and curriculum used at your school. They may also have sample exam questions, past exams, or additional review materials that can be beneficial.

Remember, when preparing for the AP Chinese exam, it's crucial to practice listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills, as the exam will test you on all four aspects. Also, be sure to start reviewing early and study consistently to ensure you have enough time to cover the material and practice. Good luck with your studies!

a year ago

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