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NHS: Easy leadership roles to take on?

Hi, I recently became a member of NHS and I want to be more involved by taking up a leadership role. But I don't know where to start, and I'm a bit intimidated. For those of you who are involved with NHS, are there any easy leadership roles I should consider that would help me become more comfortable with leading and organizing activities?

9 months ago

Hello! First of all, congratulations on becoming a member of NHS. It's great to hear that you're interested in taking on a leadership role. Don't worry, there are many roles to choose from, and everyone has to start somewhere!

Here are a few leadership positions within NHS that you might find more approachable as a beginner:

1. Committee Member/Chair: Many NHS chapters have committees dedicated to specific tasks, such as community service, tutoring, or event planning. You can join one of these committees and eventually rise to become a committee chair, which involves coordinating committee meetings and overseeing tasks related to your committee's goals.

2. Historian: The historian's role is to document chapter events, meetings, and activities by taking photos and videos. This is a good starting point for someone looking to take on a leadership role without too much pressure.

3. Public Relations/Communications Officer: If you have a knack for writing and communication, you may want to consider a role that involves managing your chapter's social media, keeping members informed, and/or promoting events and activities to your school and broader community.

4. Tutoring Coordinator: Many NHS chapters organize tutoring sessions for students. As a tutoring coordinator, your role would involve organizing and managing the tutoring schedule, matching tutors with students, and collecting feedback from participants.

5. Event/Project Coordinator: If your chapter plans events, either for your school or overall community, becoming an event or project coordinator could be a good option. You would be responsible for overseeing specific events, managing details, and coordinating volunteers.

Remember, everyone comes into these roles with different levels of experience, and the key to building your leadership skills is to challenge yourself and learn from your peers and experiences. Taking on any of these roles will help you grow as a leader and contribute to your NHS chapter. Good luck!

9 months ago

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