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Thinking of studying abroad, any good programs?

Hey all! I've been considering studying abroad during my junior or senior year. Do any of you know about any awesome study abroad programs for high school students? I'm especially interested in Europe or Asia, but I'm open to other regions as well.

a year ago

Hi there! Studying abroad can be an incredible experience, and there are numerous programs available to high school students. Here are a few reputable options to consider, each with different focuses and locations:

1. AFS-USA: AFS is a well-known international organization that offers a wide range of study abroad programs for high school students. Their options range from 6 weeks to a full academic year, and they have programs in more than 50 countries, including several in Europe and Asia.

2. Youth For Understanding (YFU): YFU is another established organization with study abroad programs in over 60 countries. They have both short-term summer programs and longer academic year options available for high school students.

3. Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE): CIEE offers a variety of study abroad programs for high school students, focusing on cultural immersion, language learning, and even internships. They have programs in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

4. The Experiment in International Living: This organization focuses on promoting global citizenship and offers a range of summer programs for high school students that typically last for 3-4 weeks. Programs are offered in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America, with themes such as cultural exploration, environmental conservation, and community service.

5. National Security Language Initiative for Youth (NSLI-Y): Sponsored by the U.S. State Department, NSLI-Y is a merit-based scholarship program that provides fully-funded summer and academic year language immersion experiences for high school students. They offer programs in countries such as China, India, South Korea, and several European countries.

Remember to research each program carefully and base your decision on factors such as cost, duration, host family placement, language requirements or instruction, and any additional opportunities for cultural experiences or extracurricular activities. Good luck on your study abroad journey - I hope you find the perfect fit!

a year ago

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