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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Cornell CAS Acceptance Rate

Hey everyone, I'm starting to look at colleges and Cornell's College of Arts and Sciences caught my eye. Does anyone know the acceptance rate for CAS? I want to gauge how competitive it is to get in.

a year ago

Hello! The overall acceptance rate for Cornell University typically hovers around 10-12%, but this includes all of its undergraduate colleges. For the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) specifically, the acceptance rate generally lies in the range of 9-11%, although it can fluctuate from year to year. Keep in mind that acceptance rate is just one indicator of the competitiveness of the college, and it's essential to look at other factors as well, such as average test scores and GPA of admitted students.

Best of luck in your college search and application process!

a year ago

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